My collages are made only with flyers, magazines, catalogs, and other artifacts of the ephemeral. I divert this usual, vulgar material, transforming it into something artistic that transcend daily reality. The work emerges from my underlying desire to integrate different universes : my everyday life and a more interior, more sensible universe.The resulting composition is like a painting at first glance that then catches and keeps the eyes as images, logos and signs appear.
The meticulous work of research, cutting, and collage allows me to immerse myself in a kind of meditation for the pleasure of creating landscapes, nature and living beings from particles of ad?s paper that are impermanent and ecologically destructive to the world and humanity.
than contrasting materialism and spirituality, I highlight the creative
faculty of the human to transform and sublimate.
"the time of the chestnuts" 38 x 61 cm
130 x 97 cm
the mountain" 130 x 97 cm
fox"(unavailbale) et "jump of fox" 30 x 40 cm
of water" 65 x 81 cm
of midi" 65 x 81 cm
of the frog" 130 x 97 cm
"Birds conversations" 65x50cm x3
"Lamb", "Fox"(unavailbale), diamètre 50cm
blossoms" 1, 2, 3 et 4 30x30cm
"Poplars" 130x97cm
"Pasture" 50x70cm
"Country" 50x70cm
Seine " 46x55cm
edge of the wood " 50 x 65 cm
storn" 97 x 130 Cm
trees and ferns" 97 x 130 cm (unavailable)
muses" 50 x 65 cm
"Crocus" 25 x 25 x 25 cm
"Wild grasses" 25 x 25 x 25 cm
pluie... 90 x 110 cm (unavailable)
"Seine riverside" 50 x 70 cm
dream 1 and 2" 33 x 24 cm
fresco 260 x 260 cm (unavailable)
and yellow spring 1 61 x 50 cm
15 x 15 x 15 cm
25 x 25 x 25 cm
25 x 25 x 25 cm
and Primroses 15 x 15 x 15 cm
97 x 130 cm x 4 quadriptych
"Mushrooms and mycelium"
"Autumnal tints" 130x97 cm
"Palmiers" 33x41 cm
"Fougères" 33x41 cm
"Biche à terre" 100x100 cm (unavailable)
"Arbre de vie 2" diam 50 cm
"Arbre de vie 1" diam 50 cm
Winter birds (Robin, sparrow male, sparrow female, titmouse) 30 x 30 cm
(unavailable except sparrow male)
"Chemin 2" 130x97 cm
"Jeune cerf" 140x80cm
"Herbier des simples" 16 pièces de 30 x 30 cm
"Source" 41 x 33 cm
"Naïade" diam 30 cm
"L'orée" 81x65cm
"Ruisselle" 130x97cm
"Plant fountain" 130x97cm
"Summer orchard" 81x65cm
"Blue hummingbird" and "Green hummingbird" 100x100cm
Fresco at art center MoulinSart
"Mes hérons" 200 x 200 cm
"Fish knows
100x100x30cm (unavailable)
"Déjeuner sur l'herbe"130x97cm (unavailable)
"Forêt d'hêtres" 130x97cm (unavailable)
"Psyché" 92x72cm
"Petite tortue", "Junonia" (unavailable) et "Paon du jour" diam 30cm
"Biche" et "Cerf" 116x89cm (unavailable)
"Deer Portrait"diamètre 50cm(unavailable)
"Chamarande" diamètre 50cm
Cerf 3D
"Fresque cerf"
"Immanence" 81x65cm
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